Friday, May 27, 2011

Fresh Junk from the barn and other places ~

I preshopped a few yardsales last weekend before ours started and found some great junk.  I didn't get it all unloaded until last night.  Sad, but true. My car is always full and sometimes it takes me a few days to get to it. I also went and picked a barn and got some great rusty, old, odd and great stuff.

I couldn't live without my Expedition. It is full every weekend and most week days. Usually my dog travels with me, but with it so hot lately, she stays home. She hates the junk.

More skis, this time snow skis

An old hay fork and my toes

Stuff found in the barn. A soap holder and a fan cage (big item) and an iron trivet with claw feet and gears

some enamelware (my favorite), a well pulley and 2 porch column bases. These will look great under a cloche.

Another huge porch column base. I might have to keep this one. LOVE!

I think these are thread cones from a textile mill.

This is a heavy horse head fence topper.

3 funnels together holding rusty nails and such. I think it would be a great Christmas tree!

Farm tools: an axe, log roller and level.  And a large rusty wheel

One of my favorites. A very tall orchard ladder. It is a chippy green color and if it fit in my house, I would keep it, but it is a little too tall for my vaulted ceiling. :(

This is an old butter churn that rocks back and forth on the metal stand. Very cool!

This would look great on your wall and the teeth are still in it!

A very long measuring stick. Long jump measurer?

Green bucket and another piece of porch slavage

I found this mirror frame at a thrift store. It is large and would be great with a chalk board inside. 

A buggy step

A cricket keeper and another porch base. This was heavy

This is from a fireplace cover. The paint is chipping off, but you can still see the girl. I hate to take the rest of the paint off, but it is flaking badly.

You like? I LOVE! I have most everything cleaned up and ready to go to the shops. It will definitely be a busy weekend. I have a ton of projects to get done and lots to paint. Here are my birds:

Not too much longer and they will fly away. 
I need to cut the bushes where the mockingbirds are, so the sooner the better

My what big eyes you have; better to see all the junk!

Have a wonderful weekend and remember what we are celebrating. Happy Memorial Day!


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