Sunday, May 15, 2011

Lookie what I found...

Soon there will be (hopefully) 7 new residents at my house. The speckled blue and brown eggs are Mockingbird eggs. While normally aggressive, this momma bird lets me take as many pictures as I want.  This nest is in some bushes on the side of the house. The other nest, with pale blue eggs, is located right outside my front door. She decided that my red berry wreath would make a great nesting spot.  My dog just loves sharing her porch with this bird. Ok, not really, it drives her crazy! These eggs should hatch any day now and I can't wait to take those pictures!

I didn't get much painting done today since it rained. I did get to clean one corner of the garage and will post a picture tomrrow of the mess.  I also have a pile of garage sale and thrifting finds to price and get into my booth.  They are very unusual and wide ranging. That's the best part, never knowing what you will come home with.


1 comment:

  1. Awwwh, love the pictures, looking forward to pictures of the hatchlings and thanks again for solving my blog crisis.
