Thursday, July 7, 2011

I < 3 Thrifting Party ~

This Saturday, July 9, there will be a national thrifting day. Unofficial of course, but a fun way to spend the day with others who share your love of cheap (inexpensive) (great) junk. I have other plans that day and can't participate, but that doesn't mean you can't.

Mr. Goodwill Hunting organized this event and you can read about it and find your local chapter here.

Hi Mr Goodwill Hunting!
aka Rashon Carroway

Go out and find some great junk! And if you see one of these:

Call me!  I love everything Swedish and have been wanting one of these clocks for years but most are out of my price range.

Good luck hunting junk!


1 comment:

  1. Hey Amy! So glad you left your blog for me to find. I can't seem to find a follow button anywhere. Help!
