Sunday, July 24, 2011

Sunflowers ~

Practice makes perfect. How many times have you heard that? I bought a Canon EOS Rebel Xti camera a few years ago. This was my first SLR camera and it was one of the best purchases I have ever made.  However, I didn't like reading a book on how to use the thing. I could read a paragraph on how to adjust the AV or the this or the that, but once I left the house,  I had no idea what to do.

I learn best by doing. Practicing each and every button, setting and adjusting the light allowed.  So, I have thousands of pictures just hanging out on my hard drive labeled "Practice Pictures."

Here are some of my early and favorite pictures of Sunflowers. I would buy a bunch of them and practice black and whites, pics with a flash, without a flash and tons of backgrounds. 

See? I love them and I love taking pictures!


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